I had a bottle of this stuff sitting in my fridge and thought I'd give it another shot for the sake of doing a review...
The first time I tried it, I really wasn't impressed. Unfortunately, it really didn't redeem itself this time either.
Smell: No noticeable hop aroma, mostly just malt and alcohol on the nose. It even smells a little sweet (which is a hint of the rather unfortunate flavor to follow.)
Appearance: Light copper in color, very transparent. Pours with a thin head that dissipated quickly without any noticeable lacing
Taste: The flavor on this one is basically just indistinguishable malt and more than a bit too sweet for its own good. It finishes a little hot from the relatively high alcohol.
Mouthfeel: It's just about right. It's very middle of the road, neither very heavy nor very light.
Drinkability: This isn't a beer that I could really make my way through either of the times that I've tried it. The balance just isn't there - it finishes on the same note that the aroma suggests.
Basically, I wouldn't buy this beer unless you're planning on drinking mass quantities of cheap beer for the sole and expressed purpose of getting your buzz on. In which case, it'll do the trick a little faster than cheap macro-brewed beer and taste slightly better...
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